2020: It’s a wrap!

This seems to be the hardest blog post to write. I feel a bit exhausted reflecting back on this last year. I feel particularly drained when I think back to the summer and issues of racial inequity. These are issues that have obviously continued. There is a rant in me about this that I have been turning over in my mind, unsure of how to fully express my thoughts on this.

Just thinking about it depletes me of energy.

It’s been a long year that has pushed me to my limits in many ways. I had to deal with what it means to truly be alone during quarantine – and did it while working and living in a studio apartment. I had to scramble to figure out how to provide therapy via video sessions and how to make those sessions and my paperwork safe and secure. I pushed myself to address the racism and oppression I faced with my previous employer. Pushed myself physically and emotionally during my birthday trip. Etc.

Favorite sign in the neighborhood

I learned a lot of lessons in this last year. Most importantly, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the life I live. I don’t want to ever take for granted how wonderful it is to have my own business, live on my own, have financial security, have a loving family, have a large group of supportive friends, own a car, get sweet cuddles from my furbaby, have stability in my mental health, and be in good physical health.

This year has taught us all that we cannot predict what is to come each day. I’ve learned to sit through uncertainty and ride out the anxiety that may be triggered by that. While I don’t want to sit here and create a list of goals for the next year, I know I will continue to create, support, empathize, and fight for meaningful causes.

Last day of work in 2020

It has been such a joy to share a bit of my background, adventures, and story with you all in this form. I will be redirecting my focus to a different writing project next year, so this may be my last blog post for a while. I hope you will continue to follow along my journey via my social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook), where I plan to continue to post my moments of insight, mental health tips, and where I’ll be fighting the good fight.

Wishing you and your loved ones good health, and as Walter Mercado used to say, I’m sending you “mucho, mucho, mucho amor.”